How to Choose the right oncologist for Your cancer treatment

How to Choose the right oncologist for Your cancer treatment

You might feel a surge of emotions such as anxiety, depression and fear if you or your close relative is diagnosed with cancer. However, by visiting a good oncologist in Siliguri you can get rid of such fears and emotions. With the correct treatment and care from your healthcare provider, the survivability rate from cancer increases a lot. 

Oncologists are doctors whose speciality is to diagnose and provide treatment for any type of cancer. When you are diagnosed with cancer you will have to consult with an oncologist regarding the treatment methods of your cancer. 

Several oncologists specialise in treating only certain specific types of cancer. Some such oncologists include gynecologic oncologists who specialise in treating cancers of the female reproductive system, haematologist oncologists whose specialisation is in treating blood cancer and so on. In general, oncologists are divided into three main types-

Medical oncologists- They mainly treat different types of cancer with the help of medications such as immunotherapy, targeted therapy and chemotherapy. 

Radiation oncologist- These oncologists provide treatment for cancer using radiation therapy or X-rays.

Surgical oncologists- They mainly remove the cancerous tumour to treat the cancer. 

You will be provided treatment for your cancer by several different types of oncologists in the course of your treatment depending on the type of cancer you are suffering from. 

Ways to choose the right oncologist

It is very important to get your cancer treatment from the oncologist you feel most comfortable with to discuss your conditions and trust the most. You can talk with different oncologists to contrast and compare their qualities and then make the decision of choosing the right one for you. You can follow some processes to choose the right oncologist for your treatment. Some of such processes include-

Ask to be referred to the oncologist close to your home

When you go to a clinic to get your cancer diagnosed and receive care you can ask them to refer you to the best oncologist operating from your home area. Before getting referred make sure that your doctor has the privilege of admitting you to a good cancer hospital or centre. 

In case the location of the oncologists does not matter to you much you can ask for the names of some of the top oncologists in Siliguri providing treatment for your cancer. 

Get reviews
To choose the right doctor for your cancer you can always depend on reading reviews from previous patients. If you know people who have undergone cancer treatment in the past you can ask them about the type of treatment centres and oncologists that they have worked with during their cancer journey. 

There are many healthcare systems with facilities web pages where patients can share their experience through online comments and reviews. 

Analyse your preferences

You can analyse your preference about the kind of personality that you would want in your oncologist such as if you would want your oncologist to lighten the mood first before starting the treatment or get straight to the point. You can find out these traits by talking face to face or through some reviews from previous patients. 

The relationship between you and your doctor will last long throughout the entire treatment session and follow-up care. Choosing the right doctor for you will make you feel comfortable and open up about your health conditions. 

Some of the qualities that you can look for in your doctor are-
  • Choose an oncologist who has reviewed experience of treating patients suffering from your type of cancer and the one who uses the latest research, standards and guidelines for the treatment.
  • Choosing a doctor who accepts the health insurance plan will help you cut down your treatment costs a lot.
  • Pick the one who has a privilege to the cancer centres or hospitals where you can be admitted to in the future for further treatment.  
  • You must always choose the oncologist who you feel the most comfortable with to communicate based on language or sex and personality. 
Other things to know about your oncologist
  • Whether or not your doctor is board-certified
  • The experience of your doctor in treating the specific cancer you are suffering from.
  • The cancer hospitals or centres your doctor has the privilege to. 
  • The medical school your doctor is affiliated with.
Second opinion

Even after choosing a doctor for your cancer treatment, you can always go for a second opinion. You can make such decisions if you feel uncertain about the treatment procedures that are proposed to you. For example, if your doctor has suggested surgery for your treatment you can consult with some of the reliable radiation oncologists to know if your cancer can be treated through non-surgical procedures. 

Important information to know from an oncologist
Once you find your ideal doctor for your cancer you have to know more about your cancer and its treatment options. You can ask a list of questions to your doctor to get a specific idea about your treatment plan such as
  • Location and the stage of cancer you are suffering from- The doctors use a process called staging order to describe the spread of your cancer and how large it has become.
  • If your cancer has spread to your other organs or lymph nodes- You do not always know about the location of your cancer from its stage asking them about the spread will give you a clearer picture.
  • Whether or not your cancer is treatable- You will be able to find a sense of relief after finding out that your cancer is curable thus asking this question is very important for your future treatments.
  • The tenure of your treatment- In the case of advanced stage cancer you might have to undergo an immediate treatment while if your cancer is in the initial stage your doctor would want to do more testing before starting the treatment. 
  • If you have to go through genetic testing- Genetic testing will reveal the cause of your cancer whether or not it is through genetic mutation. Thus asking about genetic testing is crucial in your treatment procedure. 
  • About the place of your treatment sessions- You can ask your doctor if your treatments will be undertaken in some clinics or in a cancer hospital to make preparations in advance. 
Getting diagnosed with cancer can be quite scary but you can keep your fears related to this disease away by getting treated by a good Oncologist in Siliguri. This will ensure you a speedy recovery and good health. Before choosing an oncologist you can analyse your preferences so that you can feel comfortable with your doctor throughout the treatment sessions. 

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