How to Manage Stress While Undergoing Cancer Treatment

How to Manage Stress While Undergoing Cancer Treatment

Being diagnosed with cancer can be a life-changing event where the distressing symptoms of this disorder can be extremely distressing. Cancer is a group of disorders that develops when normal cells change to cancerous cells due to genetic mutations while multiplying and spreading throughout the body uncontrollably. Not only cancer but the treatment to kill the cancer cells can also take a heavy toll on your physical and mental health due to the associated side effects. If you have been diagnosed with cancer then don’t delay anymore and visit the best cancer hospital in Siliguri. 

Whether you have undergone cancer surgery or have an upcoming chemotherapy session, it is quite normal for cancer patients to experience anxiety and acute stress. Starting from the continuous appointments to treatments, everything about cancer can be emotionally straining and exhausting. However, if you’re constantly stressed during the treatment then it can hamper your recovery period. This makes it essential for you to learn effective stress management techniques so that you can follow those to ensure psychological and emotional well-being. 

Effective Strategies To Manage Stress During Cancer Treatment

  • Exercise regularly 
One of the most effective measures you can adopt to manage stress is exercising regularly. If you exercise regularly then it will not only keep you strong but will also increase the production of endorphins, the mood-boosting hormones. Before starting any new exercise regimen during cancer treatment, always consider seeking professional assistance from the cancer specialist first to know whether it is right for you or not.
  • Have faith 
The main cause of stress during cancer treatment is the uncertainty related to the success of the cancer treatment. Herein, you must know that the team of medical experts and the cancer doctor are doing their best to provide you with a personalized treatment option for a successful recovery. Henceforth, you must always have confidence and faith in your medical team so that you can undergo the treatment procedures with full enthusiasm. 
  • Keep yourself busy 
It is quite normal for patients to experience weakness and other physical side effects while undergoing cancer treatment in Siliguri. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to sit idle in your home since being lonely and doing nothing will increase tension and lead to stress. This is why you must always try to keep yourself busy by trying the things you love. Herein, you can try gardening, dancing, painting, or other favorite hobbies to spend some quality time. 
  • Meditate 
Another effective stress management strategy you may follow during cancer treatment is meditation. Practicing meditation and other mindfulness activities can work wonders in keeping your calm during such tough times. You must know that medication not only reduces stress but can also play a vital role in helping you develop a greater understanding of your emotions, body, and surroundings. The other benefits of meditation for cancer patients are improved cognitive function, sleep, and memory. 
  • Try relaxation techniques 
To alleviate stress, you can consider including relaxation techniques in your daily routine. Some of such effective techniques that can reduce the physical tension associated with cancer treatment are massage, warm bath, and aromatherapy. Herein, you can also take steps to create a relaxing and stress-free environment in your home by using comforting scented candles, soothing music, and dim lights. 
  • Join a support group 
Communicating with your friends and families can help you share your feelings and emotions. However, sometimes they are not able to understand what you’re going through during the cancer treatment. In such cases, you can consider joining support groups where you can connect with people who have similar life experiences and can understand the physical and emotional stress you’re dealing with. Getting professional advice and having someone to hear you out can drastically reduce your stress levels. 
  • Participate in therapeutic sessions 
There are various therapeutic treatment options available for cancer patients that can manage stress. Therapy is considered a safe place for patients where they can share their feelings and thoughts without feeling awkward. Herein, you can consider joining one-to-one or group sessions for stress management. The most effective therapeutic sessions that you may consider joining in the cancer hospital in Siliguri are psychotherapy and art therapy. 
  • Focus on your diet 
A nutritious and balanced diet during cancer treatment not only complements a successful recovery but can also have a significant role in stress management. Eating nutrition-dense foods such as fresh fruits, whole grains, and vegetables improves your physical health while enhancing your energy levels and mood. Improved gut health, reduced levels of cortisol, and increased production of serotonin are also associated with proper nutrition that can mitigate stress. 
  • Practice journaling
Journaling is another effective method for stress management that helps you to share emotions with yourself. You must know that noting down your experiences and feelings can help you in processing them. Herein, you can follow the format of bullets or paragraphs in the gratitude journal where you can note all the good and happy things that you have experienced throughout the day. This will help you stay motivated and stress-free. 
  • Attain the benefits of deep breathing
During the cancer treatment, the oncologist may advise you to practice breathing techniques. Remember that deep breathing can be highly beneficial for reducing stress which can relax and calm you during the treatment procedures. Some of the most beneficial deep breathing practices that you can consider trying are square or diaphragmatic breathing which can help you calm your nervous system and promote a speedy recovery.
  • Contact the doctor in case of severe mental distress 
Despite various available stress management techniques, it can still become difficult to manage stress in some conditions of mental distress. In such cases, you need to contact the doctor immediately who can recommend you professional techniques to improve your psychological health. Starting from therapies to medications such as anti-depressants, the doctor may follow various measures to identify the underlying causes of stress and effectively manage those.   
  • Listen to music 
While undergoing cancer treatment, you can also consider listening to music and alleviating stress. You must know that listening to slow music can have a major impact on your breathing and blood pressure levels that ultimately soothe and relax your muscles. Remember that music can also uplift your mood instantly while making you more optimistic and enthusiastic. 

Remember that you’re not alone in your cancer recovery journey because the experts in the cancer hospital in Siliguri will also be there to support you. By following the above-mentioned strategies, you can easily overcome stress and get the required professional support to complete the treatment procedures with strength, courage, and resilience. 

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